AtarichanDrawer あらゆる角度から人体を描く練習! |
(Number of the current models 320)×(Observation direction 360x180)=20,736,000 patterns - This is the tool which can practice drawing the human body from every angle. - How to アタリを元に人体を描いてください。 時間をかけ、分からない部分はあらゆる資料を参照してから描きましょう。 - Draw the human body in reference to a shown Guidelines. You spend enough time to draw precisely. You will refer to every document for the part not to understand. - - It is important that remembering almost as same as memorizing. It is a very effective exercise to draw while remembering. - AtarichanDrawer |
click:線を描く、ctr-z:戻る(7回まで) 、space+drag:モデルを別方向から 確認、delete:線を消す TAB:ボタンを表示/非表示 click:draw line, ctr-z:undo(7 times),space+drag:move a viewpoint temporarily, delete:clear canvas TAB:hide buttons 球が重なってわけがわからない場合は、space+dragで視点を少しずらして見てみましょう ver1.23 - You move a viewpoint in space+drag and confirm it when balls are piled up. - - Let's share how to describe. Let's refer to how to describe. -
対象者 アタリは完璧ではありません。あくまで参考程度にとどめましょう。 In Japanese, 'Atari'(アタリ) is the meaning such as guidelines to grasp a rough position. |